Hi, my name is Ed Miller Junior and I am the author of the Casino Pac. My father was a great poker player and casino book writer. He taught me many things about gambling and how casinos work… So I decided to make this guide in which I will transfer my knowledge and keep the family legacy alive.
For what Casino PAC stands for?
If you are interested in what the abbreviation PAC means, see below.
- P – Protects
- A- Assists
- C- Connects
Casino PAC protects you while choosing and playing online casinos, Helps you choose and ultimately connects you with the best online casino sites available in New Zealand.
At casinopac.com guide you will find all the best information about popular casino games such as how to play guides, reviews of the best casinos on earth and online, news from the gambling world as well as many tricks to help increase your knowledge and reduce house edge that all casinos have.
I am not alone, with me is a professional casino team composed of a couple of my friends who are experienced gamblers and journalists, and together we will compile and provide you with the best information that will help you play in safe online casinos and cope with gambling. Give us time to compile the best online casino guide for New Zealand.